The loneliness of the holidays: The sport, the old man and the sex are the three people, let's escape depression

The loneliness of the holidays: The sport, the old man and the sex are the three people, let's escape depression
The loneliness of the holidays: The sport, the old man and the sex are the three people, let's escape depression

Easter is approaching, but these free days are not a reason for happiness for us all. Many times, when this whole journey is over, when preparations are completed, many of us face a feeling of ignorance: loneliness. Why do people feel much lonely at this time, why this feeling is actually a feeling of punishment, explains psychologist Radu Leca. Here's what the specialist says about what's going on, Doctor? . They want a reason to bother their suffering. Obviously, unconsciously.

The question is as follows: Does the depressed need to support the holiday family, regardless of holidays? . He smiles more, giving us the impression of normality, but behind the smile can be the feeling of relief felt in the presence of crystallisation of the suicidal thought. He knows that in a few hours, this absurd universe, in which he has too many responsibilities, ends and he becomes free, Tips to avoid the depressive episode of celebrations: All holiday preparations involve the depressed Praise the depressed even for things that do not Cause the depressed to talk and laugh Hand paint red eggs for the Easter table Why do people feel lonely in . In their minds there are some repetitive thoughts that are related to their results so far: Certainly I am cursed to remain alone Everyone around me has something with me No one is better than me. That's why they're all jealous of me.

If I did not say what I think, would I have friends? . The depressed person takes revenge on himself and is punished for the Depressions are not poorly cognitive, they choose the form of revenge and punishment, aware of repercussions. They just do not care what's going on, but how it happens. When can we truly speak of loneliness? . Almost all depressed people, truly alone and with great communication problems, end up being suicidal, Why are regrets more intense during this time? .

Depressed people can call their family members alive or go incongnito in a visit. We also have a special case in which depressed people lurk the family on the threshold of holidays and cause a coincidental meeting (totally accidental, The fear of being forgotten is not just for the depressed. It has survived for almost 3,000 years: the gods are the most oblivious to oblivion. When they are forgotten, they disappear. The official polytheist religion of classical Greece (sec.

V-IV î. ) tells us so: Relationships between humans and gods have an interesting character. Respectively, people believed and received what they were asking for, How can depression be driven away? . Due to this insignificant image, the Stoa was forgotten for 500 years. So is sex.

Depression that does not take medication, but drinks St. John's Wort, sex and sports, does not fall into depressive episodes. Why? . How can the moments of unhappiness be overcome? . Reaching happiness takes place twice in life.

The first time is unconscious and lasts for years. The minor touches the fever in and through simple things. The second time, happiness is reached in two (keep the relationship), There are no tricks for more happiness, but there are some rules that can solve the existence of happiness in the subject's life, whether or not it is depressive: forget pride Help everybody whenever he has the opportunity Do not talk badly . By loneliness you get nothing, except madness. Madness is missing faster than man alone.

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